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Living in Limbo Waiting for Sweet Day

Limbo is defined as “an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition.” As we approach our 5th week waiting for Sweet Day, limbo is exactly where we feel we are.

Sweet Day Update:

Since we dropped Sweet Day off at the Volvo shop in early August, our mechanic pulled the injectors and had them cleaned and repaired. We thought we’d get back on the boat by August 20th. But, when they put the repaired injectors back on, the engine still didn’t start. So next try is to pull the injector pump to send out for new parts and repairs, putting us to a new target date of September 3rd.

For anyone who has waited to be served at a DMV knows limbo is not a desirable state. We’re not going to lie--we wish we were cruising and jumping off Sweet Day in the Great Lakes, and we really hope it doesn’t take longer than the 3rd (not to mention being able to return our rental car). But without this “limbo time” we would have missed out on some really great experiences.

So here’s what we feel fortunate to have been up to these last few weeks.

Learned why Lake Superior is truly superior

We were supposed to host our good friends, Holly and Jaume, on our boat for a few days, but unfortunately, Sweet Day was in the shop. Since we all had the time available, we decided to meet in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula on Lake Superior. The largest, cleanest, and coldest of the Great Lakes, this was on our looper bucket list, so we were pumped we could still check the stop off the list, even if it was via car. The reasons why Lake Superior and the UP are so great could be it’s own blog post--but here’s just a few (and why it's worth a trip).

  1. You can see on average 27 feet deep the lake is so clean. (Also waves have reached 31 feet high--maybe how some of the 350 boats that sank in the lake. More fun facts here).

  2. Stayed at the Yule Log Resort in a town called Christmas, across from the North Pole. (So glad for last minute cancellations)

  3. Ate the freshest, crunchiest fish and chips with white fish caught that day from the lake.

  4. Learned that people from the UP are called “Yoopers.”

  5. Hiked and biked along cliffs to remote beaches for lunch.

Embarked on the Tour de New Homes and Babies

2021 was the year of the home for many of our friends and family. With our rental car and no real plan, we decided to set out to see (and stay and do laundry) at these new homes and meet some adorable new babies. It was so fun to see our friends and family in these exciting new chapters in their life, and get pitched on why we should move to their city when our loop is over. (We’re still open to pitches).

Celebrated milestones

Tim turned the big 31, and while he would have preferred to be swimming off a birthday-themed decorated Sweet Day on the shores of Lake Michigan, the wild and wonderful West Virginia was the next best thing. We spent the day biking the battlefields of Antietam (the civil war was a wild period) and lounging at the Bavarian Inn’s infinity pool overlooking the Potomac. For those in the DC, MD, VA area, definitely worth a night getaway. A few days later we had a blast celebrating Greg and Katie getting married and seeing old friends (in all fairness, we were going to go before Sweet Day broke down, but it was still a lot of fun and obviously a major life event).

Saw Leslie Jordan in West Virginia

When we were at the Bavarian Inn, we did a double take (ok I did because Tim has no idea who he is) when I thought we saw Leslie Jordan walk across the parking lot. Turns out it was him as he and singer/songwriter Travis Howard are doing a tour around the US and happened to be in WVA. Chickened out to take a picture with him, but you can check out his instagram for proof.

Biked to some fun breweries

In Cincinnati, we spent an afternoon biking with Liam, Tim’s brother, along the Little Miami Scenic Trail, which has 6 breweries along its path. We started at 50 West Brewery and biked an hour to Narrow Path Brewing Co and back. Reaffirmed our decision to put our bikes in the back of our rental car (even though we have to take out all our luggage to put them in and out) and a great area worth checking out if in the city.

Forced to think about life after the boat

Honestly, this isn’t something we are necessarily happy about. These past few weeks have served as a reminder of how very unprepared we are for whatever chapter comes next. It is in part by design, we know our nautical journey will come to an end one day, but we anticipate we still have several months left on the water, so have been practicing being in and enjoying the moment while on the loop. But as this period stretches longer than we anticipated, it feels like we have one proverbial foot on the boat and feeling unsteady as we’re not sure where to put the other foot in a post-boat land life. So we are using this time to think more seriously about what comes next. We are starting to put energy into what steps we need to take to position ourselves to buy a business when we’re ready. (We even started working a few days at a local bakery to see if that is an industry we’re interested in...and we will never look at croissants the same). While we are uncertain journey will lead us, we are excited nonetheless.

3 comentarios

Scho and Jo
Scho and Jo
01 oct 2021

Could a Loop Round 2 be a potential next chapter to see some of the sights you missed along your first Loop? 😉

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Steve Magoon
Steve Magoon
24 ago 2021

Glad you guys are making the best of the downtime. Such a great adventure. I'm glad to make my Boston pitch whenever you are ready! Great place to land. Hope to see you both soon!

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18 sept 2021
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:) We're all ears Uncle Steve when we're ready!

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